Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Into battle

Middle of the week! Not much went on today. I picked up my cytomel and will start it tomorrow...I'm kind of anxious about how this is going to go. I know that because I had a really good glazed crueller this morning when I got my coffee. I had breakfast food with me too and didn't need to buy myself a pile of glazed donut. Time to find another way to deal with the stress! At least there are no PopTarts (fruit and frosted=favorites) in the house. Funny thing is that my weight yesterday at Dr. N's office was the same as it was when I saw her in January, before all this cancer craziness started. I'm taking that as a good sign.
Tomorrow is all testing, all day. The only way I could get the kids to take the work seriously is tell them that they would have a test on the stuff the week I came back. I also have to cover a colleague's class (she's taking 21 kids to Spain over break), so no time at all tomorrow to even run to the bathroom.
Time to go collapse...

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