Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happiness is a new iPod, or how to cheer yourself up before Hypo Hell

Yeah, who says retail therapy can't help deal with stress and chaos? I have been pondering upgrading my iPod for a couple of months since I quickly filled up the old one. This one can hold 4000 songs, and that should work for now. It's purple! Playing now: "Magnificent" by U2.

I'm still taking cytomel and feeling a little loopy at times. Tired but not tired, wired but not wired. I can sleep, but I'm up till 1 or 2am. It's so strange compared to how I was feeling post surgery. I hope I can get that feeling back! Coffee is helping, and I'm kind of eating stuff I know I won't be able to eat on the low iodine diet (LID). No cheese. No dairy. No glazed cruellers. No seafood. No crackers. Lots of fruits and veg though.

I have to get my LID ideas organized for next week since I'm supposed to start on the diet this Thursday or Friday. Did you know just how much stuff has iodine in it? Tons!!! Just in time for a family trip to PA to see my niece dance in her spring musical! I should be ok, but I don't want to be a pain. I'm hoping to get out the breadmaker and see what I can concoct from the ThyCa cookbook, and make a bunch of meals that I can freeze for hypo hell week. I wonder if anyone has ever made up t-shirts for Hypo Hell? I'll have to think about that one--what would be a good design? As for the diet, there are a lot of suggestions out there to get meals and food organized prior to being hypo, which makes perfect sense since I assume I'll be a miserable lump curled up on the couch, unable to maintain a conversation or coherent thought for much of the time. So glad I have something to look forward to, no? It will be over by the end of May. Repeat to self over and over. Playing now: "Clandestino" by Manu Chao.

Happy thyroid cancer stories from yesterday and today: Yesterday, I saw an interview with a mother who was waiting for her daughter to run by her in the Boston Marathon. The mother said, "She's a cancer survivor. She had thyroid cancer." If she can run a marathon after all of this, I think that's pretty hopeful.
Today, I had my eye exam (ran out of contacts), and since the dr. was eyeballing the lovely scar on my neck (it was too warm to wear a scarf), I told him what was going on. He told me, "Oh, my wife had that. She's fine." She didn't even have to have hers removed, just took the iodine drink. My eyes are worse for distance, and I'm at the age where reading is going to become a problem. Not yet, but eventually I will be holding pieces of text three feet away from my eyes. My kids will be happy though--I haven't been able to use whiteboards all year because I haven't been able to read them easily when they hold them up! I'll start using them again since things are now crystal clear. New contacts feel ok so far.

As for the shiny purple iPod (and no, it has nothing to do with my school's colors of purple and white), it is loaded up with about 1200 songs and playing as I type. Next up: "Driver 8" by REM. I wonder how long it will take me to fill it?


  1. Hi Christine...Just checking in. You're a wonderful writer...love you detail...can really hear your voice.

    What exactly do you have do during HH week? And what will they be looking for? And will this be your diet from now on? Lots to understand.

    You seem to be feeling up and I'm glad.

  2. Hola! I'm having fun with the blog, but I think my sister is a better writer!
    The diet only lasts for about 14 days before the radioactive iodine treatment--they want to deplete the amount of iodine in your system so that your body will really want to suck in all the radioactive stuff with the goal of killing off any remaining thyroid tissue or cancer. While you're running down the iodine, you come off the hormone supplements and become hypo. I plan to stay on the couch under a blanket curled up in the fetal position during HH since that is probably all I will be able to handle! We'll see--I'm not sure how bad I'll be. I'm hoping that it's bearable, but I probably won't be able to go to school. I just want to make it to the AP test on May 4th so I can have breakfast with the kids before they take the test....
    I am feeling pretty up this week. I might be more anxious leading up to the day when I start glowing.
    I'll keep you posted--the blog helps me sort things out! Thanks for reading!

    Chris :)
