Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lazy days of summer with fruit slices

Still in NH...
Weather has been absolutely gorgeous with warm sunny days and bright blue skies, and cooler nights that are great for sleeping now that the humidity has broken.   I can hear the loons on the lake over the tapping of my keyboard...and Mookie slurping in the cat bowl.  He is soooo loud.

Haven't done much all week!  I think I've managed to get my body back in sync so that I'm not staying up til all hours and then sleeping through the morning.  In fact it's after 10pm and I think I could fall asleep with no problem.  Energy has been mostly stable and I haven't seen an afternoon wall all week.  I'm still not remembering things and word retrieval is spotty, but I'll take that over being a giant slug any day. No need for pm caffeine either.  Things seem to be holding steady.  Mr. W referred to me twice this week as a "cancer survivor".  Has a nice yet eerie ring to it, especially since he was talking about future stuff and needing to plan for the just-in-case scenarios of taking time off from work to take care of me if the damn cancer ever decides to take up residence in my neck again.  I guess looking ahead is a good thing, right?  He has some pretty interesting post-retirement ideas tucked away in the back of his head that sound good to me, partially spurred on by the "cancer survivor" factor.  We shall see.

Sis and I have been hanging out with the cats.  We spent a couple of nights visiting old family friends and catching up with people we haven't seen.  Did a couple of road trips north--I finally had Polly's Pancakes in Sugar Hill.  Mmmmmm.....

I had Whole Wheat Walnut pancakes and Oatmeal pancakes.  Sis had blueberry with chocolate chips.  

Drake Island, Wells, Maine 

Stacked a cord of wood (again--wind blew most of the first attempt over), did some laundry, did some shopping, almost finished my cross stitch sampler, spent a couple of days in Wells, Maine visiting a friend and her family while trying to coax some conversation out of my almost teenager goddaughter in the midst of beach time and a trip to see Lenny the 1700 lb. moose made entirely of chocolate. No really, there is a rather large chocolate moose in Scarborough inside a candy shop.  Lenny was about 13 years old, so we decided against trying to steal an antler to munch on for the ride home--probably wouldn't have tasted very good.  Aside from the moose, I bought some candy we didn't need.  The fruit slices reminded me of my grandmother, so I had to get some.  I'm enjoying myself!

Lenny and two small chocolate bears....

Our road trip today was up to Littleton, Dalton and Lancaster.  Real boonies.  We did go to Chutter's for candy and saw some amazing mountain scenery.
112 feet of a dentist's dream....$9.59 a lb. today.  Highlights:  pomegranate fruit slices and red Swedish fish (of course) Selection was impressive....

Yummy fruit slices.

Sis' garden is still going--jalapenos a poppin' everywhere!  Cucumbers and flowers and herbs too.  No blueberries this summer though. :(

Headed home for a bit tomorrow to spend some time with Mr. W and get my hair cut.

Mookie is sampling each and every cat bowl that is on the floor.  His latest talent that we've discovered is that he can drink out of the kitchen faucet.  First he puts his entire head in the stream, and then remembers to turn his head and continues to slurp for a few minutes.  Funny cat my Mookie.

Not a very exciting post here, but things have been pretty mellow lately.  I probably shouldn't say that too loudly or else the gods will hear and decide that we need another crisis....

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