Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Surgeon check-up

Had my check-up today with the surgeon!  It was the fastest  doctor visit ever and probably lasted a minute and a half. Literally, a minute and a half.  She made eye contact this time!  My scar looks fine ("Keep putting sunblock on it please"), it felt fine (to her, not to me--eww!), and she said I should expect to feel strange things there until the one year anniversary.  Usually I feel some weird tugging or suddenly become aware of swallowing, but she said that was normal.  She'll help out if Dr. N is out of town and I have meds issues, and she said that I don't have to go back to see her until next March.  Unless I can feel any lumps or bumps.  Which I hope I don't.  Ever.
It was a quick exam,  a quicker conversation and I was out of there.  I think my appointment was for 4:20--they took me a little early and I was in my car at 4:21.

Good news #2:  the metallic taste has finally left!  We had spicy Indian food last Thursday, and I swear that fixed it.  The metallic taste has gradually lessened since then, and I can taste things.  The glazed cruellers--delicious.

Bad news:  my nose hurts since the inside of it is still way too dry.  I'm hoping that will eventually go away as well--maybe I should go breathe in some curry?

Happy Bunker Hill Day!  Day off tomorrow for Bunker Hill complaints for me except it would have been fine with me to go to school and not have to go in on Monday the 28th.  Technically, we lost the battle anyway....

"Don't fire til you see the whites of their eyes..." 


  1. I was on levotoid and got tired of unwanted side effects. Good things i I chose desiccated thyroid supplements . I know this is the right one for me.
