Thursday, April 19, 2012


Ahhhh April vacation.

Made it to this one hanging on by my fingernails!

Just got back from a couple of days on the Vineyard, one of my favorite places in the world.  This time we actually stayed at the Kelley House!  And did lots of beach walking--all over South Beach and then by the Gay Head cliffs in Aquinnah.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous--in the 80s on Monday and Tuesday and sunny right up until we boarded the ferry home.  Funny how close the island is, but you can feel like you're miles away from home.  I think Mr. W needed the break more than I did since he's currently napping at 1:30pm.

How can I eliminate the word "busy" from my vocabulary?  I can't tell if I'm using it more because I really am busy, or if I'm using it to cover up for the stuff I haven't gotten done yet....but last week was busy.  Lots of stuff going on at school, lots of stuff needing to be graded.  Mr. W marched in the Patriot's Day Parade this past Monday, and he looked quite handsome in his uniform.  Tall too.  The parade started at 9, so I made it just before 9, not realizing that most of the streets would be blocked off and I wouldn't be able to park at the firehouse.  That caused a lot of speedwalking, but I managed to catch the start of the parade and then the ceremonies at the North Bridge.  We met up with Sis-in-Law afterwards for lunch and then headed for MV.
The day before, Mr. W got tix to the Red Sox game, so we went with Aunt L and Sis-in-Law.  They won and it was a great game. Awesome seats too.  Did dinner afterwards--all in all, a great day.

Been trying to restart my previous commitment to working out more regularly since my most recent bloodwork showed my CRP elevated still at 8.  3 is bad, so 8 must be really bad.  Sigh. Dr. N left a message saying she wants to put me on statins to help lower the CRP, but I found a lot of anti-statin articles that had some pretty scary side effects.  Exercise and diet will help if I can be consistent with them, so I think I'll start there and redouble my efforts.  There are so many things that can increase the CRP, cancer included.  Problem for me is my sweet tooth...I love sweet stuff, and the gooier the better.  Double sigh.  So I finally got my Wii connected and have been playing with it.  I am so uncoordinated though--I've failed all the balance tests!  I like it though, and I did feel like I got a workout when I finished.  Between that, walking and the bike I should be ok.  I think I'm supposed to call Dr. N back, but I'm avoiding it....she didn't mention whether or not I was undetectable, so I guess she's not taking that as seriously?  I'm supposed to have a WBS in either May or June, so I guess I will have to call her back to set that up.  Not looking forward to doing the LID again, but if I can use thyrogen shots instead of the 6 week slow withdrawal from levothyroxine, I can survive.

I think I'll go suck down a salad for lunch.

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