Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oops, slipped back under again.

Glug glug glug as I slip beneath the surface again.

It's October.  Where the hell did September go??  I can't believe next weekend is Columbus Day already!  And this week is midterm for us, so I have to get progress reports out.  This year is flying....

Hmm.  What to report about lately?  Not much in terms of thyca....I have a physical on Thursday with Dr. N, and I'm actually looking forward to it.  I'll probably have bloodwork done after the appointment, but hopefully she'll give me a thorough going over so I can re-align all my medical stuff.  I feel pretty good at the moment, but kind of don't want to admit it so I don't jinx myself.  I'm probably really hyper and that's how I'm functioning day to day--flying on thyroid hormones.  God only knows what other damage is being done.   I don't think I'll need a med adjustment right now, but maybe once winter settles in.  I'm still getting in my 30+ minutes of some kind of exercise almost every day, but I can't really tell where my weight is.  The scale isn't moving much, so maybe I'm gaining muscle poundage?  My blood pressure seems to be steady, and my menopause craziness seems to have settled down a bit.  Again, don't want to jinx myself.

I do have one nagging fear of thyca coming back though.  I can touch my neck again, so every now and then I feel around looking for lumps and bumps.  What if it's lurking in my lymph nodes, just waiting to make an appearance?  Maybe it's because I keep seeing posts on Facebook in my multiple thyca groups of incidents of recurrence (there are three I check regularly--they help me keep things in perspective most of the time).  I didn't have a whole body scan at one year, and I don't know if I should have insisted on it.  Dr. N seems to think I'm in good shape and that they got all of it.  I don't know why this is bugging me now....it's like a little black cloud in the back of my head.

That, and the weird cognitive blip that is still there when I type--I keep reversing letters.  So weird.

Off to collapse for now...here's hoping for a good report on Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. After a month of taking desiccated bovine thyroid i really could feel some improvements. I no longer feel tired, my depression subsided and I feel great!!
