Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Keep on moving (again)

Progress is progress, right? 

I've been dutifully logging my food intake and activity output for the past 5 days, and it's been pretty revealing.  It's motivating me to actually do some exercise every day, such as 30 minutes on the stationary bike--got up to 5.25 miles today--, walking, weights (so what if they are only 5 lbs. on each arm--I'm sore!), and using the stairs to go to and from my condo on the 5th floor. 

The thing that has caught my attention is the amount of sodium in my daily consumption!  And I don't add salt to anything...hard to avoid it in anything processed, but this just seems ridiculous.

Go to countcalories.about.com if you want to check it out.  Not sure if I like this method or counting Weight Watcher points better.  Whatever works at this point.  The problem will be once I go to NH and change my routine...or get back to school in the fall and start losing hours to correcting, planning and tyring to keep up with it all.  I don't have a scale, so I don't know just how much progress I'm making.  It's probably too soon to tell since my body is most likely in shock from being made to actually do exercise instead of just thinking about it. 

Highlight of today:  emptying more boxes!  Mr. Wonderful is more of a packrat than I am, and today I piled his magazines on the bookshelves and in thingies to hide them and yet organize them at the same time--brilliant, thank you Ikea.  The categories were interesting and reminded me of an afternoon with Sis-in-law and brother-in-law of Mr. Wonderful a few years ago when he was cleaning out his place to move to mine and so we could redo his place for his mom to move in.  Siblings are hysterical, and his show no mercy.  We were divvying up the magazine stash then, and came up with three main catetgories of interest:  fire, trucks and military.  Things were going fine until bro-in-law came across a periodical titled, "Military Trucks"--that ruined our whole system and had the three of us on the floor with tears rolling down our faces because we were laughing so hard...Mr. W was not amused, but we had a good run with it.  So, if you want to know anything about naval history, sea history, classic cars, military surplus trucks, vintage trucks, double clutch trucks and of course, all sorts of fire trucks, you can come see me.  And, if you have any interest at all in World War II or aircraft, this would be the place to visit.  I think Mr. W was a soldier in a previous life....
KASSETT from Ikea

Tomorrow I actually have to go back to Ikea for more magazine organizer thingies, because I don't want to leave it half done with a mishmash of designs, and I can't order them online.  Time for Swedish meatballs?

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