Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Goals for 2011? Update....

I decided to look back on the goals I set for this year and see how I've done....results are mixed, but I still have four and a half months to meet some of them.  Here they are, updates in red.

I need to set out some goals for 2011...
1.  I will make time to exercise.  Even though I hate it and the thoughts of it make me depressed. Making some serious progress in this department.  Ok, so it's only been in the past 6 days, but I'm managing 30-60 minutes a day using the stationary bike, weights, salsa music, walking and 6 flights of stairs.  If nothing else, I will try to keep walking when I can. 
2.  I will drag Mr. Wonderful to some kind of concert/play/performance/movie once a month. Not good on this one, unless you count a couple of car shows and a fire truck muster. 
3.  I will take my daily vitamins.  Daily. I'd say I'm consistent 75% of the time?  Adding fish oil capsules has thrown me off again.   
4.  I will not, not, not stay at school every night til 6pm. I didn't stay every night, but probably 3 out of 5...sigh. 
5.  I will clean my house more often. Ha ha ha.  Good one. 
6.  I will travel somewhere relaxing.  Preferably with a beach.  February cruise to the Bahamas!  
7.  I will not freak out about my thyca bloodwork.  It's part of the routine of life, so deal with it. Getting better, especially after Dr. N told me that she wasn't worried about the cancer since my hormones were such a mess.  Now I stress out about them....
8.  I will get a mammogram and get all my other medical stuff back on track. Mammogram done yesterday!  Ouch.  And Dr. N is now my primary care doc, and I have a physical scheduled for October. 
9.  I will continue to chat with St. Peregrine. Sporadic, need to do better at keeping in touch. 
10. I will make time to read, do cross stitch and scrapbook. And maybe sing.   Not enough creative outlets in 2010. Definitely reading more.  Just finished "The Known World" (wow, makes you feel wicked uncomfortable and blows you away at the same time), am now working on "Reading Lolita in Tehran".  No singing except for in my own company, not much cross stitching and only one scrapbooking weekend with Jules in January.  Still need to do some more artsy stuff. 


  1. Very cool blog!!! I just started a blog myself about being thyroidless. I did not have cancer, I had/have hashimotos along with lots of nodules that continued to grow. I had my thyroid removed the past September and I am just now feeling somewhat more myself. So because I am feeling more myself I am on a mission to help educate others, exercise, watch my nutrition for weight loss, etc. A friend of mine just recently had RAI for thyroid cancer. I just feel like us thyroidless girls need to stick together and keep each other motivated!!!

  2. Hi Janelle!
    Thanks for reading! I started this to try to keep my sanity when thyca hell started. I've learned so much from reading what other people have experienced via the blogosphere and figured if this blog helped someone or made them laugh, then maybe that person searching for info wouldn't feel alone. I hope you continue to feel well, and that your friend gets back on her feet quickly. And I like your idea of keeping each other motivated! On the down days, it really helps keep things in perspective. Life without a thyroid isn't impossible, but it sure isn't easy. Hang in there!

  3. Thanks, I have learned a lot and I agree those down days are a battle but it does help to keep things in prospective. There are so many of us out there and it's amazing how many random people I meet who see my scar and then begin to tell me about their thyroid surgery. No it isn't easy living without a thyroid but I guess it could be worse, thank goodness there is some sort of medicaiton for it :) Keep up your goals!!
