Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oops, still one day more.

This isn't like me--my mom trained me to run out the door on the last day of school just behind the kids and to not look back until Labor Day....

The kids' last day was today, and I'm going to go in tomorrow to clean and hopefully set up my new office space.  I tried to swap for some space on the first floor but finally agreed to keep the MFL office in the basement because the classics office has been, like, on the first floor since the school opened in 1635, so....it's ok.  I still have a window. 
I probably won't have a smile on my face. 

It will be easier to hook up the iPod and work away with fewer distractions.  And I somehow got the custodians to do the office floor today, so it will be all nice and shiny and in perfect condition for me to drag boxes across it. 

Then, I swear summer begins.  For real.  It kind of feels like it's kicking in because I have no grading to do, no planning to do, no ideas running around on an endless loop in my head...and I'm freakin' exhausted from schlepping boxes all day. 

To quote the custodian as he looked at my three foot high pile of assorted boxes, totes and milk crates, "You have a lot of shit."  He then followed it up with, "Do you use all of it?"

Why yes, yes I do.  See the previous post about my teacher-hoarder behavior.  If I don't use it and throw it away, as soon as it is gone, I will be searching for that one piece of paper I think I need.  Like a madwoman.  So yes, I must keep all of it in one place. 

"It ain't all gonna fit in that office. You know that, right?" 

Why yes,  yes I do.  I just want to pretend before the inevitable freakout at the thoughts of having to lug said shit home, and store it some place. 

So, tomorrow will be an interesting experience of doing what my dad would describe as "trying to fit 10  pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag." 

On a happier note, Mr. Wonderful took himself to IKEA  and purchased four bookcases!  Three of them have been put together and already completely filled, so the box piles have decreased amazingly.  I brought the empties to school and used all of them--what a good recycler I am!  We're trying to figure out how to configure the space in the den so we can have a den/office/library and space for the computer...we're making progress. 

Just in time for me to possibly bring home a carload of school materials/books/classroom decorations.  The Barbie and Ken dolls and fake food are taking up residence in the storage unit in the garage until needed later...

At least I can sleep in a bit--the floors won't be dry until after 9am.  Guess I should bring them donuts for doing my floor early? 

Gershwin starting to float thru my head..."Summertime and the living is easy..."

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