Monday, June 6, 2011

Antibiotics rule!

Yay, bronchitis is almost completely gone.

Happy National Cancer Survivor's Day yesterday!

I saw Dr. N the day after the last post, she took one look at me and said, "You don't sound normal." Result?  A z-pak and cough syrup with coedine!  Score!!  The cough syrup was pretty gross and really didn't do anything, like knock me out sufficiently to sleep through the night.  But, after a week of people grimacing every time I coughed, there was marked improvement.  Apparently I did need an antibiotic, Ms. Physician's Assistant. So, I have survived a nasty bout of spring bronchitis.  Luckily it didn't turn into pneumonia.

Happy dance too as Dr. N agreed to become my primary care doctor!!  I think I basically wore her down to the point of hounding her looking for a new primary care, and she said to call my insurance and beg them to add me to her list.  I still have to do that.  She looked at me and said, "It makes more sense since all of your problems are going to be endocrine-related."
Oh.  You mean I'm going to have problems?  I had no idea.

On the downside, I have zero reflexes, meaning my TSH is off and too low.  I could have told you that with the bushels of hair I'm cleaning out of the drain and off the floor of my bathroom every day.  Dr. N actually laughed out loud when my knees didn't respond.  I had to wait until this weekend to do my fasting bloodwork (nearly fainted again) to check thyroglobulin (tumor marker) and all the other stuff she checked a couple of months ago.  And, my blood pressure was up, so she says I have to go on meds for that.  I think the estrogen stuff is driving that up.  I haven't started it yet--she told me to wait until the coughing stopped.  Next on the list. Now, the wait for the phone call with instructions about what to do to right the tilting hormonal ship again.

To validate the fact that I'm off again, I slept yesterday from 2pm to 6 pm, and slept hard.  It's like I can function some of the time, and then crash into exhaustion, feeling physically in pain because I'm so tired, or just a short-tempered bitch who can't process information or make a decision.  I'm finding myself holding off committing to just about anything.

Living with me is just peachy right now!  Mr. Wonderful feels like he can't do anything right (he did put another pair of my pants in the dryer after 5 years of trying to get him to recognize that if they aren't his really long pants, they must be mine and therefore cannot go in the dryer due to potential shrinkage.) and I'm trying not to be a nag.  But it's hard if I think I might lose a well-fitting pair of pants--things that fit are few and far between some day.

Yeah, some days lately I feel like that lovely image above.  I think I spend all day suppressing it at school and then once I come home really pooped, the Alien breaks out of my chest and rules all until I fall asleep.  I think this is why God decided I should not raise my own children?  

In the meantime, Mookie is starting to snuggle with me.  He curled up on my hip during yesterday's epic nap.  School is winding down in some ways as we try to cram in all the stuff that's left.  Can you read Isabel Allende in two days or less?  Weather is heating up, supposed to be in the 90s by the end of the week.  I'm not ready to give up my little sweaters quite yet, and I sure as hell don't want to go to sleeveless yet.  Western Mass is cleaning up from the tornados of last week--unheard of in these parts.  The lightning storms that moved through Boston were spectacular to say the least, and it was actually scary being on the 5th floor with bright bolts flashing over the city and howling winds making me wonder if the sliders would hold.  

It's been quite a couple of weeks...this cartoon seems to sum things up....

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism back in 2007 and I was prescribed with bovine thyroid supplements . Bovine helps me live a normal life and I don’t have any side effects.
