Sunday, May 1, 2011


Slightly smaller growls lately.

My insomnia hell has abated for now.  You know things must be really rough when your no-nonsense endo starts her callback with, "Oh, honey..." and a deep sigh.  She's never called me honey.  Ever. 

Dr. N upped my estrogen to .625 (Prempro), and that has helped a ton.  It still took a few more days to start sleeping through the night, but it's getting better.  I do not feel like a miserable, cranky, emotionally overwhelmed zombie, and that has greatly improved my quality of life. 

She seems to think that this is how things will go until the hormones stabilize themselves, and it's quite possible that they won't be able to stay stable.  However, if I feel the same symptoms coming on again, I'll be on the phone much faster.  She said it takes a few weeks for my body to decide if it has enough, or if it needs more.  I have an appointment May 23, so she'll recheck bloodwork and see where I'm at.  I guess we'll discuss the one year whole body scan then. 

My memory, or lack of, is still a huge issue. 

Funny side story after my being out of school for four days--at the very end of last period the day I went back, at 2:14:30 (bell rings at 2:15), I was done and kids were packing up to run into vacation.  A girl approached me with a very serious face and said, "Mrs. K I'm so sorry for your loss."  Two other kids standing nearby echoed her statement.  I'm thinking, "For my loss of sleep??" and then realized she thought someone in my family had passed away.  I said, "For what loss?"  She replied, "For your dad."  Hmm.  He died in 1999....turns out there was a rumor circulating around the junior class that I had been absent because my father had died.  And I had to go to Ireland.  Huh????  No one could tell me where the rumor came from, but after vacation I started asking other faculty members about the rumor, and some of them said they had heard a similar story.  Once we were back from vacation, I opened each class with a few minutes of rumor clarification--every class had heard the same story.  I have no idea how that rumor could have gotten started, but it made me laugh. 

As for vacation, we drove to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia with my mother-in-law so she and Mr. Wonderful could visit their 95 and a half year old sister-in-law/aunt.  It was a lot of time on the road, but the family visits were nice, and that part of Virginia was absolutely beautiful.  We stopped at Mr. Wonderful's brother on the way down and on the way back outside of Philadelphia, so it was familypalooza all the way around.  Quick visits, but nice to catch up.  We tried driving home via the Skyline Drive, but it was all fogged in and vista-less. 

Now I'm supposed to be doing my term 4 grades, and I'm in serious denial. 

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