Monday, June 25, 2012

Do I dare say this out loud?

A stunning realization came over me a few days ago after I did my Wii workout, and I'm afraid I'll jinx myself if I say it...

I feel really, really good. 

Yup.  There it is. In little letters, but I haven't said those 5 words in at least 5 years.  No, really.  5 years.  
For the first time in ages, everything seems to functioning the way it should.  Brain?  No fog, confusion or processing issues!  Skin?  Not too dry.  Blood pressure?  Registering comfortably under 120/80 when I check it.  Digestive issues?  Nothing like they were when I had gluten in my diet.  Weight?  Under the number I never said I'd go over 5 years ago!  (Ok, still 14 lbs. off my wedding weight, but one can be hopeful that it will come off this summer.) Menopause issues?  Seem to be in check!!  Hormones must be balanced at the moment.  Sleeping?  Like a baby, and all night.  Clumsiness?  Ok,  I don't think that one will ever go away.  That and hair loss, but I can live with those.  Easy solution:  don't wear heels, and put a trap in the shower drain to catch all the hair.  

So there you have it.  I've been off gluten for almost 2 months, and Mr. Wonderful picked me up two cookbooks yesterday!  I guess I need to raid Whole Foods for the wide array of flours that will replace my favorite whole wheat--brown rice, sorghum (what is that?), xanthan gum....that's if I want to bake stuff at home.  I have to admit, the scone pics looked pretty damn good, and I love them.  All of them.  I found a great recipe for nut bars to replace my granola bar addiction.  I'm doing ok except I've gotten glutened at a couple of restaurants--not pleasant.  

School is done for this year, and the end came up really fast.  Really fast.  I even had to go in the day after the last day to clean my office/cave space because I didn't have time to get to it during the year.  I have no idea what next year will look like yet....I have been assigned a classroom and a schedule with 5 classes, but the department chair position hasn't been posted and it's still up in the air.  I want to see the details about the position before I be honest, there's a great Spanish expression that sums up my attitude towards next year and where I'll be--me da igual.  It's all the same to me.  I know I can teach, so being in the classroom is fine.  I think I can do the other job, so that would be a new challenge.  We'll see.  It just keeps my summer on edge, not knowing for sure.  That, and the dread associated with having to pack up the cave and move it two floors up.  And having a sixie homeroom again.  Wait, they can be cute.  The other thing looming is waiting for the AP scores to come out around July 5.  I'm not sure how this year's crop will do.  

I go back to the endo tomorrow--I wonder if she'll yell at me for the gluten stuff and not telling her?  She'll be happy with the weight shift.  

More later...the summer looks busy, but with a few travel opportunities built in.  

Right now I'm going to take my feeling good little self over to the Wii and get going for today--the boxer is waiting for me.  

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