Sunday, October 31, 2010


I love the Spanish word for mindless paperwork: papeleo.  I don't know why, it just sounds neat to me and I like saying it.  Pah-pal-ay-o.  I think there is an accent over the e.

I'm drowning in it.

I'm currently buried under a pile of college recommendation requests and will not come up for air until Monday.  Then I'll be buried under the end of term 1 grading that has to get done so I can submit my grades by Thursday morning.

It's after 1 am, and I have literally been sitting in front of my computer since about 2pm.  I got 8 letters done and submitted.  I have 7 more to do tomorrow.  The other 37 are mostly due by January 1st.

I ate an entire Ritter Sport dark chocolate hazelnut bar due to the stress.  And I asked Mr. Wonderful to come up with a dinner plan so I could keep typing.  Some how a combo of pancakes, tortilla chips and rice-a-roni did not sound appetizing to me.  How in the world did I manage to marry the only fireman in the universe who can't cook?  I gently talked him out of the cabinets, made him step away from the freezer and got him to heat up some fish cakes, sweet potato fries and a make a salad.  Take out would have been easier.

If I had been able, I would have worked on these letters  bit by bit all fall.  However, I've been swamped with basic planning, prepping and correcting.  I've been at school most days til 5 or 6pm.  I don't know where the time is going this year--I think I'm losing a lot of it to searching the building for functioning printers, copiers and risograph machines.  And bathrooms with toilet paper.  And dealing with seniors with multiple life crises.  And talking to parents who won't let their kids make mistakes.  Sigh.

Please think twice before you throw in my face that teachers don't work enough.

On a happy note, my cold thingy is getting better.  The cough is gone, antibiotics done and the raspy voice sounds kind of sexy.  I'm still not singing soprano though.

I'm going to go collapse now.

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