Saturday, April 6, 2013

Let it rain over me....

Now that I've calmed down a little from the bloodwork debacle, I can't sleep much, and my thyroid meds have been recalled with no replacements in sight until, oh, 2014.

Yup, it just keeps going!

I think I sabotaged myself into my inability to sleep since I let my estrogen run out for a few days before I had it maybe hot flashes were waking me up?  I also had some coffee in the afternoon (including an overpriced Starbuck's Hazelnut Macchiato, but it was delicious and got me through the afternoon...) and there have been a gazillion things going on at school that demand my immediate attention RIGHT NOW.  Since I have to pay attention to them RIGHT NOW,  I keep falling behind with grading, and I only have two classes.  Ok, two demanding AP classes who are adding to my anxiety because their test is only weeks away, and they are still mostly mutes in class.  So it's like a giant vicious cycle....I can't sleep partially because of my 2:20pm coffee fix, and I can't function at 2:20 because I'm exhausted and need the coffee to get me through to bed time...and while I can't sleep, all of these work-related things are zinging through my mind, and I literally have to stop my brain and make it go to my "quiet place", which looks to me like a cottage on a lush green Irish hillside overlooking the ocean on a day when it's not raining.

Sigh. I'm making myself exhausted!

And then there's the total recall of Levoxyl, my BFF.  No more levoxyl until at least 2014, which means I either have to take the generic version or switch to Synthroid.  I have a call into Dr. N about which option is better.  I do know that the generic doesn't work as well for me--causes more swings in my functioning ability and it's harder for me to feel stable.  I've never been on Synthroid.  I still have about half a prescription of levoxyl left, and the pharmacy automatically refilled it with the generic.
Here's the dilemma--this is a pill that I literally cannot live without.  It would take a while, but without it, I will eventually blow up to a puffy person with no memory and a complete intolerance to cold, and I would die.

How's that for happy thought of the day??

I really don't feel this depressed, but writing about it might change my mood.  I'm smiling as I type that...

I won't worry about the meds for a few more days, but I know a switch is coming, and I don't know what to expect.

And then to top it all off, Roger Ebert died this week, basically from thyroid cancer from what I've read.  I'm not sure what type he had, but it wreaked havoc with him.

Hmm--did anything good happen this week?  Oh yeah!  Mr. Wonderful and I celebrated our 7th anniversary!  We went back to the restaurant where we had our first date, and we ended up seated at the same table  (awwww).  It was fun and we had a nice night.  And, there was a double rainbow over Boston that day!  Just like on the day we got married!  Ok, I only saw the picture on Twitter and not live, but I thought it was a pretty cool coincidence.

Off to take nap and enjoy the rest of the weekend....

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