Thursday, February 9, 2012

Enjoy yourself.

Had an appointment with Dr. N this afternoon, and it went pretty well!  No major complaints on my side since it seems like things have stabilized a bit.  Blood pressure was a happy 120/80 in the office and she was happy with the readings I showed her. My weight was the same (so much for the pounds I lost while I was sick, but at least it didn't go up) and she didn't find any lumps or bumps while checking my neck.

However, I have to have a whole body scan to celebrate my two year cancerversary in May... crud.  That means thyrogen shots and a little bit of radioactive iodine to see if anything "lights up".  If I light up, it means that there is left over thyroid tissue that the previous RAI didn't zap.  If I have leftover thyroid tissue, it's an open invitation for the cancer to come back.  She's hoping that I don't light up.  If I do, more RAI possibly.  But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, right?  More research needed for me about thyrogen--right now there's a shortage of it, but Dr. N said she hasn't had any trouble getting it for her patients.

The only other stuff I have to do is bloodwork to check the c-reactive protein that was elevated last time--if it's still up, we'll have to talk about going on statins so I don't have a cardiac event later on in life.  Oh the joy.  I also have to have a bone density scan, which I was supposed to have done before today, but my episodes of brain fog meant I lost the paperwork.

Overall, she was happy.  Told me I'm doing all the right things and to enjoy myself.  Usually she can be a little more on the gloom and doom side of things, but she seemed much more upbeat about my overall wellness today.  Whew.

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