Monday, February 6, 2012

Rubber lips

Back to the dentist today, this time for a normal, run-of- the-mill filling.  I went in last week for a temporary crown on a molar that had too many deteriorating old fillings--that seemed to go pretty well, even though I have had some pain since.  

Today, however, was not a run-of-the-mill experience.  I tend to need some extra time for things like Novocain and pain meds to take effect--figured that out when I had knee problems as a teen.  If I wait a little, things will go much smoother.  My dentist jokes with me about this every time I need the giant needle, and he makes sure he "numbs me up real good".  What do expect from a guy who is blasting Country 102.5 on the radio in the exam room?  He's a nice guy and I don't have too many complaints--I've been going to this office since I was in grade school.  

Anyway, back to today.  I got the big giant Novocain needle and even sat for a while as my lip went tingly.  Out comes the drill, he fires it up and gets to work.  Suddenly, zing!  Damn, I can feel that!  He seemed surprised of course, stopped and whipped out another giant needle with more Novocain.  I swear this one went right into my gum, and yes, I could feel it.  We waited a couple of minutes, and the drill started up again.  Within in minutes, more zinging that I could feel. Dayum that freakin' hurts!  Stop!  Out comes rather large needle number 3 and more Novocain.  He moved quickly to drill the tooth after that, but I could still feel it a little bit.  I just wanted it over so I gripped the chair handles and prayed that he'd be done quickly. 

 It's been three hours and I still can't feel the right side of my head.  My jaw just hurts.  

The tooth with the temporary cap has been painful, and the dentist said that if it starts throbbing more or wakes me up at night, I might need a root canal.  The pain has mostly been blocked by the Advil Cold and Sinus I've been taking since last week.  

Wow.  The Novocain has really started to wear off since I started typing, and it hurts.  

And, I swear my gag reflex is more sensitive since all this thyroid mess.  I don't know if it's in my head or not, but it's there.   Nothing worse than feeling like you're going to gag.  

So that was my afternoon.  The highlight was watching two obese squirrels hanging upside down on the trees outside the office window licking sap off the trees.  Guess I'll have oatmeal for dinner and pray I don't need a root canal.  

I should also do some more research on the connection between RAI and dental issues--I'm hoping this isn't the start of a boatload of problems.  

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