The puffiness has set in, and I didn't notice until my sister saw me at 5:30pm and greeted me with, "Oh, did you just get up?"
No, I had been up since about 9 am this morning.
Guess I looked pretty puffy and exhausted to her. I hadn't really noticed. Then I went to my hairdresser--all the gray seemed to appear out of nowhere once the thyroid meds stopped, and I'm not sure if that's a coincidence or if I waited to long in between appointments.
Yes, I have been coloring my hair my natural color since I was 25. Betcha didn't know that going gray that early can be a sign of thyroid trouble, did you?
Once I got in the chair at the salon, it was apparent just how much my face had morphed into the pic above. It actually made me recoil a little bit. The bags under my eyes are a nice touch.
And funny, but my energy level isn't in the cellar today. I corrected another batch of tests (took me twice as long, but they are done. 125 more to go tomorrow!) Kids are starting to email. According to the rumor mill, the sub has them in check and I'm having more surgery. They are all asking if I'm ok....so sweet. Now I just have to email them all back!
So, I'm not too happy today. Mr. Wonderful said, "Yeah, you look a little puffy, but so what? Why do women worry about this shit? It's not your fault you're sick." Now you can see where his nickname comes from.
At the moment my clothes still fit. Brain is still foggy, and it takes me forever to type one of these because of all the mistakes. Good thing I can type fast.
No call back from Dr. N with the next step either, so it will probably go into next week. Groan. This is dragging out way more than I thought it would. Argh.
Ok, please do not try to sandwich me in between two graham crackers and some chocolate either--both of them are off limits on the LID.
Going to sleep if I can....Mookie has taken up residence at the foot of the bed. Big step for him!
Mr. W. is a keeper.