Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Today is brought to you by the number 12!

Ok, so maybe some of you are snickering at the size 12, but I'm not!  I went shopping for jeans today, and it was actually quite a lovely experience!  No angst, no anxiety, no dark thoughts about my thighs, no fear of yet another dressing room mirror. 
I was able to pull my size 14 jeans off without unzipping them or unbuttoning them, so that tells you something about my current size. 
Thank you to the person who figured out how to make the material more stretchy too--that helps someone like me out a ton! 
And they look and feel so nice....
I think it's probably after effects of the stomach flu, but I'm going to run with it (or bike with it on my stationary bike).  I found three different styles that fit--one from the Loft, one from Coldwater Creek and one from DKNY at Marshall's.  I found a pair of Lucky Brand as well, but I think I might take them back--they're on the short side, and the others are longer.  Mr. Wonderful couldn't figure out why I'd buy them to take them back, and he was perplexed when I told him I had to bring them home to look at them again before I made my final decision.  He shook his head and walked away muttering to himself.  I told him it's a female thing that he wouldn't understand. 

I haven't really been a size 12 since I finished the infertility drugs in 2008 or so.  I'm currently 10-15 pounds off my wedding day weight.  I was flirting with a size 16 last year.  I'm still mostly an XL on top, but they fit better, and I can get back into some of my size L sweaters comfortably.  Even my underwear feels too big! 
Now where did I stash the smaller sized stuff for exactly this moment?  I think I gave it away to the Salvation Army out of frustration. 
I know I shouldn't let a number get the best of me, but I'm loving the 12. 
I'll pack up my 14s for now just in case the hormones go all kerfluffy again, and I'll keep wearing most of the 14s for work since I think I can get away with some of them for now. Hopefully I can get thru the rest of winter with what I have and stay in 12land...

On another note, the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, has papillary thyroid cancer and will have her thyroid removed after the new year.  Bienvenida al club senora presidenta! News reports say that it hasn't metastisized to her lymph nodes or anywhere else.  I'll have to keep my eye on the news for her progress and to learn more thyroid cancer related vocab in Spanish. 
Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner

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