Thursday, November 17, 2011

Still slightly drowning here

I seem to have slipped back under again.  Sigh. 
Feeling slightly overwhelmed at times and pretty damn busy all the time, but that's what I get for taking a grad class during a really busy fall.  I'm behind on my college rec letters, grading and keeping my office space/cave area tidy. 
As for the grad class, I have two papers and one more class left, then I'm done.  It's actually been much more useful than I thought it would be, and I feel like it's given me some solid strategies for this lead teacher position I'm in.  Herding cats has gotten a little easier.  Plus my last department meeting went really well in my opinion--amazing what a little candy and a goofy icebreaker can do to adults.  I don't have another one to run until January, so I can breathe a little bit while I run around looking for book orders that still haven't arrived (hey, it's only November. Why would we need books?)  Long days though trying to keep up. 
Mr. Wonderful got major points this evening--I got home from class around 7:45, starving, figuring I'd eat a can of soup (he genuinely can't cook).  Wonder of wonders, there was a bag from Kelly's Roast Beef on the counter with sandwiches and french fries!!  Perfectly delicious and I ate every bit.  See how he gets his name? 
We also had our wonderful surprise birthday trip to NY for my Sis-in-Law's birthday.  It worked out beautifully, she was surprised and "Sister Act" was hysterical.  I had a great time, and I think my mother-in-law was happy to have all her kids under one roof even if it was only for 48 hours.  NYC was amazing, and I told Mr. Wonderful we should go more often.  He kind of agreed! 
Last weekend we ran away to the Vineyard for a few days and relaxed.  Sort of--Mr. W had a nasty cold and slept for a few hours on Friday and Saturday.  I napped as well, but got hit with his cold this week, so I plan on sleeping more this weekend.  The island was beautiful and we had great weather.  Stayed in Edgartown and explored. 
I also met up with a friend from Salmanca for tapas and sangria at Tasca the other night and had a great time.  Makes me want to jump on a plane. 
The good thing about the weekend in NY and the tapas was that I had my picture taken a couple of times, and I have to say that for the first time in a looooooong time, I actually think I look pretty good!  My face doesn't look puffy and marshmellowy, I don't look like a blimpier version of myself (either that or I stood at the perfect angle), my skin doesn't look gray, and I don't have dark circles under my eyes.  I think I'm leveled out a bit with the hormones (I hope I didn't just jinx myself too much) at the moment.  I still feel pretty damn tired, but I'm not sure what's causing that.  I haven't been exercising as regularly since I started this grad class, but my weight isn't going up either.  So while I don't feel perfect, I feel pretty good if that makes sense.
Off to bed to collapse and looking forward to sleeping in a bit this weekend. 

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