Saturday, November 17, 2012


Back again....I've been looking at my last post thinking that I really should blog something and just haven't made the time.

Is that a good thing?  That I'm not obsessing about thyca as much?  Notice I said "as much".  It's still lurking back there in the recesses of my mind.  To be honest, I haven't felt that great since I had the whole body scan in October--back to feeling really tired again, and sometimes so tired that it hurts.  I don't know if that's fallout from October, or if it's the change of seasons, or a combo of both.  I don't care how small the tracer dose of RAI is, it has to do something to your body.  I just feel like I'm having a lot more trouble getting going in the morning--during the summer and early fall I could wake up and actually feel rested and awake.  Now, not so much.  I don't go back to see Dr. N until February, and I don't think this warrants a phone call for blood work, so I'll give it some more time.  I do sleep through the night, but I feel like my brain is constantly running.  And I need two tanks of coffee to get thru the day--one in the morning and one when I hit the 2:30pm wall.  Which keeps me up later.  Such a vicious circle.

I'm still obsessing about gluten.  Just when I start to wonder if it is really something that exists only in my head, I do this--I ate something today that has set an unfortunate chain of events into motion and my digestive system is in revolt.  On a happy note, Trader Joe's has gluten free turkey gravy, so we're set for Thanksgiving!  Now we just have to figure out the stuffing question--do we make two batches or not?  Have to think about that.  Sis found some gluten free pie crust mixes--I hope they taste ok.  My big disappointment with some gluten free products is that they are waaaaay too sweet.  I have a massive set of sweet teeth in my head, so for me to say that something is too sweet is really bad. And they tend to be high in fat.  I have a few favs, but I'm back to not working out again due to time spent in school.  Have to get that back in my schedule.

School is absolutely insane this year because someone who has probably forgotten what it is like to be in the classroom decided that the teachers had to learn two new systems this year:  an online student info system for attendance and grades, and the state's completely revamped teacher eval system.  Somewhere in there teachers are supposed to actually plan stuff for the classes they teach, right?  We are not happy campers.  It's ridiculous.  They could have rolled it out more gradually, but no.....let's just say morale is not overwhelmingly positive.  What has been positive this year are my two AP groups.  So far, awesome.  One group is quieter than the other and much more resistant to talking, but both groups have really strong foundations.  Do you have any idea how happy I am to see them actually using the subjunctive in October?  And using it correctly?  So cool.  And such a geeky language teacher thing to say, but hey, that makes my world go 'round.  It's the small things.....

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