Friday, December 23, 2011

How to survive the holidays--why didn't I try this before??

I almost forgot I had this bloggy thingy.
I discovered Twitter and have probably lost a few more hours of my life to that lately.  It's actually a really cool way to get teaching ideas from other teachers!  I'm such a geek, but a "quirky" one according to one of my students.  Using Twitter is like professional development meetings, only way more practical and fun. Now if they would only let us use our two hours of PD once a month to play on Twitter and look for ideas instead of...instead of what?  I'm the one running the meetings this year and I can't even really say what it is we're doing! It's really cool to see what's trending in Madrid....

Can you tell it's time for vacation?

Anyway, this is a thyroid related post, and I have to say it is pretty amazing.  I was sooooo hyper over the last couple of days that I felt like Superwoman on a mission.  Holidays here I come!  Sleep?  Nah, don't need it right now! 
See, I got slammed last weekend with an incredibly nasty stomach bug, and I mean nasty.  I haven't been that sick for ages.  I spent Saturday basically running from my bed to the bathroom, and then couldn't function Sunday, Monday or Tuesday.  I even stayed home from school!  I couldn't keep ginger ale down.  How did I know that this was a legit thing?  Boston EMS tweeted that there was a gastrointestinal thingy making the rounds! (No, I don't follow Boston EMS, it was a RT)  Mr. Wonderful had been hit with this the previous weekend while we were at his work Christmas dinner--his was so bad that he disappeared from the restaurant and took refuge in the car.  He was sick for about three days, and he never ever gets sick.  Since I didn't pick it up right away, I thought I was home-free.  Hahahaha.

Back to the thyroid part.

Because I was knocked out for so long, it put a serious damper on my holiday shopping and preparations.  On Wednesday, I went back to school and tried to have some coffee and frosted pop tarts since I felt ok, but my stomach wasn't buying it.  That was all I ate.  All day.  Prior to that, only saltines, Gatorade and an attempt at chicken soup.  I was determined to run errands Wednesday after school, and around 3pm it was like I was zapped with an amazing burst of energy--I hit 7 different stores and got everything on my list!  I got home around 8pm, and then kept going by writing Christmas cards for school, putting up the tree and organizing the presents.  I also wrote some letters to put in the Christmas cards, and by midnight decided that maybe, just maybe, I should try to go to bed.  Nope.  I plugged into the iPod and tried to fall asleep, but I don't think I dozed off until 2am. Alarm went off Thursday at 5:30 and bing!  I'm awake.  Not even dragging.  I managed to get into school by 7:10, just in time to stuff mailboxes of my department with candy and cards...the rest of the day felt zingy and I managed to stamp, number and organize 120 Chinese textbooks so they'll be ready when we get back. 
I finally crashed last night and was in bed at 8:30, slept straight thru until 7 this morning.  And I woke right up, zing!  No dragging. 

While I'm not happy living in the hyper zone because of the damage it does to other parts of my body, I can definitely live with these energy bursts.  After so many years of living in the hypo zone and being lethargic, this is a welcome change.  Besides, hyper keeps the cancer supressed, and that has to trump everything else. 

I think my lack of eating has sent my hyperness into even more hyperness....what a rush!   I know this isn't a good thing either, to be feeling so hyper, but I'm not about to do anything.  I figure I've lost about 6 pounds from this stomach flu, and it's playing with my med intake.  (Highlight of my day:  fitting into my smaller jeans!!!!!!! I haven't been able to wear these in ages. Does that make me happy?  Hell yes.) 
I'm still not eating much besides toast, rice and saltines.  My stomach protests for a few hours after each meal.  Not enough to get sick, but enough to be uncomfortable. 

So, I'm still feeling hyper today.  I hit the supermarket before 9am, and it was absolutely packed.  Now I'm off to clean, organize the house and decorate the tree.  I'm hoping the stomach thing gets better in time for Christmas dinner so I can eat something more substantial, or at least drink some wine.  One of my stops on Wednesday was to Trader Joe's, and I stocked up on my favorite reds from Toro, Spain....

1 comment:

  1. My thyroid levels had gone down because of thyroid supplements. After using porcine tablets for two weeks, I felt a noticeable difference in my body, mind and physical vitality.
