Friday, June 10, 2011

It took you this long to find me??

Kind of funny today...word got to me that some of my students have managed to find this blog.  Hi!  I'm actually surprised you didn't find it sooner. 

It's really not all that interesting since most of my posts are about my thyroid cancer stuff, meds, feeling tired and the after-effects of my traitorous thyroid gland.  I mention school every now and then, but I don't use any names or even the name of the school, and I won't.  Some of the school stories are actually pretty funny.

So I wonder what my posts look like to you?  Things are actually pretty doesn't always give you what you want or hope, so you have to find ways to cope and figure out what to do with the hand you've been dealt. While my hand doesn't sound great in parts of this blog, I've been pretty blessed with the people in my life (including you), and I have a lot to be thankful for in spite of some pretty depressing stuff that has happened. And I'm not dead yet--to quote a friend of my mom's, "Every day above the ground is a good one."  And I still get to come in and torture you with Spanish literature every day, so what's not to love about life?  :)

I come from a long line of stubborn Irish women, and it takes a lot to make me not want to get out of bed in the morning....and my parents always told me, someone out there always has it worse than you do. 

 I started keeping track of all of this just in case another person looking for information about thryoid cancer could use it--that's how I got a lot of practical info after my diagnosis, by reading other blogs, and it was really helpful.  And it's a great way to process what's going on, especially when things get stressful and scary.

So, dear estudiante mio, now you can see why it's been a little harder this year for me to find stuff, to remember what I was going to say, to not lose my patience at times....

Un abrazo,
Mrs. K

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