The suspense is damn near killing me.
I had my whole body scan on Wednesday, and still have no results as of midnight going into Sunday.
The guy who did the scan said Dr. N would have the reading that night.
Definitely sums up this week.... |
I had the thyrogen shots on Monday and Tuesday, and made it until about lunch time on Tuesday before I started to feel really hypo--I hate that feeling. Suddenly exhausted, confused like I can't process info, achey all over, and really hot. And nauseous. I skipped lunch, and got stuck in a meeting about teacher evals that for the life of me I could not focus on much. It was awful--I almost got up and left. Wednesday was a trip to the hospital by 9 to take my four slightly radioactive pills, and then back home until the scan at 2.
When I walked in to nuclear medicine, my sister and her boyfriend were sitting there waiting for me--that was a nice surprise! Had no idea she would be there, and it was nice to have some more support even though I saw her for about three minutes.
The scan itself was uneventful, except that I fell asleep in the last couple of minutes, and almost smacked my face against the machine that was about two inches from my face when I bolted awake at the noise. Freakier than that was that my mom and her best friend Helen were in a dream right before I woke up--they were sipping screwdrivers on one of their Wednesday nights out and laughing. I hope that is what they are actually doing together in the next life!
And now, I'm waiting. I took Thursday off because I felt so awful and exhausted. Friday was ok, but I had to go for bloodwork after school to check the TSH level. I stopped in at Dr. N's office to pick up the orders, and the assistant who gave me the shot said my scan was "under review" in the computer, meaning Dr. N hadn't done anything with it. Today I have a constant headache, am achey all over and spent most of the day trying to fall asleep with little success. I've watched three episodes of "Isabel" so far today. Two yesterday. Part of it is to stay up in case Dr. N calls--she's been known to call at 10pm. I just want an answer so I can plan a little--I feel like my life is on hold waiting to see what the scan shows--surgery and RAI, or put the fear in a box for another 6 months and have it scanned again then? Either way, it sucks. This could very well stretch into next week with Thanksgiving coming up.
Might as well go to bed and stare at the ceiling for a bit. Sleeping won't matter--even if I put in 10 hours right now, I'l wake up exhausted.
I am so not in a good mood today.